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The school is located at Kramgasse 78, on the 3rd floor, above the “Mammut Store” boutique.

By tram or bus: Take lines 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 19, 30 to the “Zytglogge” stop.  On footFrom the train station along Spitalgasse and Marktgasse into Kramgasse (duration max. 15 min.)


By car The Casino and Town Hall car parks are both approx. 100m away from the school.  

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Yoga prayers 

Yogena cittasya padena vacam
malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena
yopakarottam pravaram muninam
patamjalim pramjaliranatoshmil

Abahu purusakaram
Shanka cakrasidharinam
sahasra sirasam svetam
pranamami patanjalim
Srimate anataya nagarajaya namonamah




I bow to the one who descends from the wise

Patanjali, yoga to calm the mind, grammar to purify the language

Medicine (Ayurveda) gave to the perfection of the body.

I greet Patanjali,

whose torso has a human shape

whose hands hold a conch shell, a disc and a sword,

who has a thousand-headed cobra as a crown,

I bow to this Patanjali.

Before the auspicious Ananta, the king of the cobras.



Nothing should be eaten immediately before the yoga class and the last meal should be digested as much as possible. A strengthening drink, however, is not a problem.


No special outfit is necessary, just wear comfortable clothes.


The exercise room has a changing room and a toilet



Please inform your teacher about any serious health problems, pain, or pregnancy before class.

Yogveda Yoga
Kramgasse 78
3011 Bern

Copyright © [2025] Shahid Khan - Yogveda Yoga.

031 311 5088
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