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The Story of Lord Ganesha

The son of Lord Shiva.

The remover of obstacles

Ganesha, also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka, is one of the most beloved and revered deities in the Hindu religion. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, and is known as the god of beginnings, wisdom, and the remover of obstacles. With his elephant head and rotund belly, Ganesha is one of the most easily recognizable figures in Hinduism. His story and symbolism are full of captivating and interesting elements that have made him beloved by millions of Hindus around the world.

One of the most captivating stories about Ganesha's birth is the story of how he got his elephant head. According to Hindu mythology, Parvati, while taking bath, created Ganesha from the dirt of her body, and assigned him the task of standing guard outside her door, while she was taking bath. When Lord Shiva, her husband, returned home and Ganesha didn't recognize him and stopped him from entering. Enraged, Shiva severed Ganesha's head, but later replaced it with that of an elephant's head, after goddess Parvati pleaded for her son's life.

Another captivating aspect of Ganesha is his role as the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles. He is often invoked at the beginning of any new endeavor or enterprise, as it is believed that his blessings will ensure success and remove any obstacles that may arise. He is also known as the patron of scholars and is often invoked before beginning any new study or learning.

According to Hindu mythology, the god Ganesha was tasked with writing down the epic poem Mahabharata by the sage Vyasa. The story goes that Vyasa, who was the author of the poem, wanted to dictate the story to Ganesha because he knew that Ganesha was the god of wisdom and would be able to write it down without interruption.

Vyasa began to dictate the poem to Ganesha, but Ganesha, who had a condition that he would write only if someone would dictate without pausing, asked for a condition that Vyasa would dictate without pausing, otherwise he would stop writing. Vyasa agreed to the condition and began to dictate the poem. However, as Vyasa was dictating, he realized that he needed to think about a certain passage before continuing. Ganesha, true to his word, stopped writing.

Vyasa then realized that he needed a way to continue the dictation without interruption. He thought for a moment and then, as an act of cleverness, asked Ganesha to write down the poem backwards. Ganesha, who was known for his intelligence, agreed to this and was able to continue writing without interruption.

Thus, Ganesha is said to have written the Mahabharata, one of the most famous and important works of Indian literature, by dictation from Vyasa and by writing it backwards. This story is a testament to the wisdom and intelligence of Ganesha, and it is believed that by reading or reciting the Mahabharata, one can gain insight and wisdom themselves.

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