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The story of Lord Rama

“Only the timid and the weak leave things to destiny (daivam) but the strong and the self-confident never bank on destiny or luck (bhagya).” 


Lord Rama, also known as Ramachandra, is one of the most revered figures in Hinduism and is considered the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. The story of Rama is told in the Hindu epic Ramayana, which was written by the sage Valmiki.


Rama was the eldest son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya, and had two younger brothers named Bharata and Lakshmana. Rama was known for his devotion to duty and virtue, and was considered the perfect prince and ruler. He was not only a great warrior but also a wise and just leader. He was adored by his people and was considered an embodiment of righteousness.


One day, King Dasharatha decided to hold a ceremony in which he would pass on his throne to Rama, but his second wife, Kaikeyi, convinced him to crown her own son, Bharata, instead. This was a promise King Dasharatha had made to Kaikeyi many years ago and he felt obligated to fulfill it. Rama, being the obedient son that he was, accepted this decision and decided to go into exile for 14 years.


During his exile, Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, traveled to the forest of Dandaka. It was there that Sita was kidnapped by the demon king Ravana, who had been enamored with her beauty. Rama, along with the help of the monkey god Hanuman, was able to rescue Sita and defeat Ravana in a great battle.


The journey to rescue Sita was not an easy one. Rama and Lakshmana had to face many challenges and obstacles along the way. Hanuman, who was a great devotee of Rama and a powerful warrior, played a crucial role in the rescue mission. He was able to locate Sita in Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, and bring back the news to Rama. Hanuman was also instrumental in building a bridge to Lanka, which enabled Rama's army to cross over and fight the battle against Ravana.


The battle between Rama and Ravana was fierce and bloody, but in the end, Rama emerged victorious. He was able to rescue Sita and put an end to the rule of the demon king. The people of Ayodhya celebrated the return of their beloved prince and his wife.


After Sita was freed, she was asked to prove her innocence through a fire test. Sita walked through a raging fire and emerged unscathed, proving her innocence and purity to all. This was an important moment in the story, as it showed that Sita was not only a devoted wife but also a woman of great strength and character.


Finally, Rama returned to Ayodhya and was crowned king. He ruled justly and virtuously, and is still revered as a great ruler and an embodiment of righteousness in Hinduism. His story is a reminder of the importance of duty, virtue, and devotion, and continues to be an inspiration to people of all ages.


The Ramayana is not only a story but also a guide for how to lead a virtuous life. It is a story of love, devotion, sacrifice and devotion. It is a story of a perfect human being, who was willing to give up everything for his duty, his family and his people. It is a story that still inspires people to this day, and will continue to do so for centuries to come.

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