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27.09.2025 - 09.00-14.00

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Workshop Introduction: Unlock Your Hips

Our hips are a powerful and essential part of the body, connecting our upper and lower halves, providing stability, and enabling movement. Yet, they are often neglected, leading to stiffness, pain, or even long-term problems. Hip discomfort is increasingly common due to modern habits like prolonged sitting, poor posture, lack of exercise, or repetitive stress from certain activities. Over time, these factors can cause tightness, restricted mobility, or discomfort in the hips, which may radiate to other areas like the lower back or knees.

The Yogveda Yoga 'Unlock Your Hips' workshop is thoughtfully designed to help you address these challenges. We will systematically explore the structure of the hips and the interconnected web of muscles, joints, and supportive tissues, including:

  • Primary muscles: The iliopsoas (hip flexors) that support lifting and movement, the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus responsible for strength and stability, the adductors for inner thigh engagement, and the hamstrings that stretch along the back of the thighs.

  • Supportive muscles: The quadriceps for knee and hip extension, the tensor fascia latae (TFL) which works with the IT band, and smaller external rotators like the piriformis that provide rotational movement.

  • Joints: The hip joint (acetabulofemoral joint), a deep ball-and-socket joint designed for stability and mobility, along with its vital connection to the pelvis and lumbar spine.

Through a series of carefully curated yoga asanas, breathing techniques (pranayama), and guided movements, you’ll learn how to:

  • Release tightness and tension in the hips.

  • Build strength and flexibility in surrounding muscles.

  • Improve posture, alignment, and overall hip function.

  • Enhance blood circulation and restore natural mobility.

This workshop goes beyond temporary relief, providing you with tools to reverse hip problems and support long-term health. Whether you’re experiencing mild discomfort, stiffness, or chronic pain, this experience is tailored to guide you toward freedom of movement and a deeper connection to your body.

Join us to unlock the potential of your hips and rediscover ease and joy in every step!

Yogveda Yoga
Kramgasse 78
3011 Bern

Copyright © [2025] Shahid Khan - Yogveda Yoga.

031 311 5088
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