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 Core Back Strength

28.10.2024 - 09.00-14.00

In this yoga workshop led by Shahid Khan, participants embark on a unique journey of self-discovery through the integration of forward stretches and standing poses. This harmonious blend of movements creates a foundation of strength and alignment, allowing practitioners to explore the transformative potential of these two essential elements. The workshop ends with the pranayama practice and offers all participants a holistic and relaxing experience.

Core Back Strength. Yoga Workshop by Shahid Khan

Unveiling the Power of Forward Extensions and Standing Postures: A Yoga Workshop by

Shahid Khan




Yoga is a transformative practice that unites the body, mind, and spirit. In this yoga workshop led by Shahid Khan, participants will embark on a unique journey of self-discovery through the integration of forward extensions and standing postures. This harmonious blend of movements creates a foundation of strength and alignment, allowing practitioners to explore the transformative potential of these two essential elements. The workshop will culminate with the practice of pranayama, providing a holistic and rejuvenating experience for all participants.


The Role of Forward Extensions in Preparation:


Forward extensions, also known as forward folds, play a vital role in preparing the body for standing postures. Poses such as Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), and Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend) focus on lengthening the spine and stretching the hamstrings. These postures help to release tension in the back, improve flexibility, and create space within the body.


By incorporating forward extensions into the practice, participants will experience an extension of the spine, the opening of the chest, and the release of stress and tightness in the upper body. The elongation of the spine and the activation of the hamstrings prepare the body to stand tall with correct alignment, laying the foundation for the exploration of standing postures.


The Power of Standing Postures:


Standing postures, such as Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), and Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose), cultivate strength, stability, and grounding. These postures engage the major muscle groups of the body, promote balance, and enhance concentration. Standing postures also help to improve posture, alignment, and overall body awareness.


The integration of forward extensions and standing postures becomes a unique hallmark of Shahid Khan's teachings. By incorporating forward extensions into the practice, participants can extend the spine, align the body, and create a solid foundation for standing postures. This combination enhances the benefits of both elements, allowing practitioners to access deeper levels of strength, stability, and physical alignment.


Unlocking Transformation: The Synergy of Forward Extensions and Standing Postures:


The integration of forward extensions and standing postures offers a transformative experience for participants. By beginning with forward extensions, individuals create space within the body, lengthen the spine, and release physical and mental tension. These preparatory movements awaken the body and mind, promoting a sense of openness and receptivity.


Standing postures build upon this foundation, grounding practitioners in the present moment, and fostering a connection to the earth. These postures promote strength, stability, and a sense of inner power. By combining the grounding qualities of standing postures with the elongation and alignment facilitated by forward extensions, participants can experience a harmonious blend of strength and flexibility, stability and fluidity.


The workshop will guide participants through a carefully sequenced series of forward extensions and standing postures. Shahid Khan's expertise and attention to detail ensure that participants understand proper alignment, modifications, and variations to suit individual needs and abilities. Through breath awareness and mindful movement, participants will cultivate a deep mind-body connection, facilitating a transformative and empowering practice.


The Culmination: Pranayama Practice:


As the workshop nears its conclusion, Shahid Khan will lead the participants in the practice of pranayama, the art of breath control. Pranayama provides an opportunity to integrate the benefits of the forward extensions and standing postures, deepening the transformative effects of the workshop. Through intentional breathwork, participants will cultivate a sense of balance, tranquility, and inner reflection.


Pranayama serves as the bridge between the physical practice and the inner journey of self-discovery. By regulating the breath, participants can calm the nervous system, increase mental clarity, and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace. The integration of pranayama at the end of the workshop enhances the overall experience, allowing participants to connect more deeply with their physical and energetic bodies.


Through pranayama, participants will learn various breathing techniques that promote relaxation, clarity, and vitality. Deep belly breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and ujjayi breath are some examples of pranayama techniques that can be explored. The intentional control and awareness of the breath create a profound impact on the body, mind, and spirit, leading to a harmonious state of well-being.




Shahid Khan's yoga workshop on the fusion of forward extensions and standing postures offers a transformative experience for participants seeking a balanced and aligned practice. By incorporating forward extensions to extend the spine, release tension, and create space within the body, participants can establish a solid foundation for exploring the strength, stability, and grounding of standing postures. The unique combination of these elements in Shahid Khan's teachings allows practitioners to delve deeper into their practice, unlocking the transformative potential of yoga.


The workshop's culmination with pranayama provides a comprehensive and holistic experience. By integrating breath control techniques, participants can deepen their mind-body connection, cultivate inner peace, and enhance the benefits of the forward extensions and standing postures practiced throughout the workshop. This integrated approach fosters self-awareness, balance, and rejuvenation.


Join Shahid Khan's yoga workshop to embark on a journey of self-discovery, alignment, and transformation through the harmonious fusion of forward extensions and standing postures. Experience the power of these unique combinations, and allow the practice to unfold, nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. Discover the transformative potential of yoga and cultivate a deeper sense of well-being and harmony within yourself.

Yogveda Yoga
Kramgasse 78
3011 Bern

Copyright © [2024] Shahid Khan - Yogveda Yoga.

031 311 5088
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